The Art of Commentary: How to Be a Good Sports Commentator

A career as a sports commentator requires the right skills and knowledge. In order to get into this career, it is a good idea to pursue internships or similar experiences to build up your resume.

A specialized degree in sports broadcasting can be useful for this position. Those with an undergraduate degree can also look for opportunities to gain experience in the field through internships and part-time positions.

Knowledge of the Game

A good sports commentator needs to have a deep understanding of the sport. This enables them to provide insightful analysis and real-time commentary that engages the audience. They also need to be quick on their feet, as sporting events are dynamic and fast-paced.

Many sports commentators are former athletes or coaches, which gives them unique insights into the game. Some have an uncanny ability to predict what will happen in a game, based on past experiences.

Aside from the play-by-play announcing, sports commentators often offer color commentary to add excitement and ambiance to the broadcast. They may also conduct interviews with players or coaches. Doris Burke, for example, broke gender barriers in sports broadcasting when she began doing NBA commentary, and her passion and insight have earned her global recognition.

Communication Skills

A strong, pleasant-sounding voice and excellent verbal communication skills are essential for a career as a sports commentator. A background in media studies, communications or broadcasting can help hone these skills.

Broadcasters such as 스포츠중계 often work in teams and rely on each other to ensure they provide accurate information and coverage. A good understanding of the rules and regulations of different sports is essential for this job, as well as a knowledge of how to interpret player and team statistics.

Aspiring sports commentators should put together a reel of their work, both live and pre-recorded, when applying for jobs. This will show potential employers that they have the required skills to handle the job. This includes preparing scripts, researching players and providing educated insights to audiences during games.


The work of a sports commentator requires extensive research and preparation. They must be familiar with team and player statistics, as well as the history of a particular event. This information helps them provide expert analysis and commentary during the broadcast.

They may also work closely with a production team, including producers, directors and camera operators. This collaboration is vital for the success of a sports broadcast.

Many sports announcers have a background in the sport they call, either as former players or coaches. This experience gives them credibility and allows them to provide insights that fans can relate to.


A sports commentator’s work schedule can be irregular, as they often make live broadcasts on nights and weekends. They may also have to travel around the country or even overseas to cover major sporting events.

Some famous sports commentators, such as Joe Rogan, have a career in which they call several different sports at once (such as mixed martial arts and professional wrestling). Others, like Al Michaels, focus on one particular sport.

A sports commentator needs to be able to adhere to strict broadcasting standards, as well as use equipment and software proficiently. They must also be able to interact with the audience and encourage engagement. They also need to be able to work under tight deadlines and stress.

Quick Thinking

Sports commentators are able to quickly dissect complex plays for their audience. They also excel at watching replays, quickly identifying the crucial details and evaluating their consequences. Quick thinking allows them to avoid analysis paralysis, a common condition that can slow down decision making and lead to inaction.

People often assume that being a sports commentator is easy, but in reality, it takes a lot of preparation and memorization to make it happen. So, if you want to be a sports commentator one day, the best way to start is by finding a mentor that can help you get a foot in the door.

And then, just work hard and be prepared to face the challenges that come along with it. Good luck!